Werner Herzog, world-renowned filmmaker, will travel to Antarctica to create a documentary film about the Antarctic landscape. The project, Antarctica: the Inner Landscape, will be based on the artists' perception that the continent's volcanic activity, geological history, evolution and survival of life, represents the inner landscape of our planet. In addition, Herzog's film will focus on the lesser-documented "strange forms of life", and the scientists who study them. The artist and his cinematographer will work at Fang Camp, Mt. Erebus, and New Harbor Field Camp to interview scientists and capture footage that will result in a poetic, feature-length film documentary on Antarctica, Antarctic Science, and Scientists working there. The film will give viewers the rare opportunity to experience Antarctica and learn about the ongoing research. With Herzog's success as well-known and prominent documentary filmmaker, this film will likely garner a great deal of media attention. The project will culminate in a feature length film with commitments of support from Creative Differences Productions, and the Discovery Channel, which is viewed in 475 million homes throughout 160 countries. The film will also be released theatrically and on DVD. For more information about the artist and his work, visit: www.wernerherzog.com/main/index.htm.