The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) was formed in 1988 to identify and bring together the distributed human and facilities resources of the academic research community with the purpose of advancing knowledge and understanding of the Arctic to meet national needs. Specifically, ARCUS serves as a forum for planning, facilitating, coordinating, and implementing disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies of the Arctic; acts as a synthesizer and disseminator of scientific information; and encourages and facilitates the education of scientists and the public in the needs and opportunities for research in the Arctic. Today ARCUS has 21 member institutions from 17 states. The main activities ARCUS proposes to undertake as part of this effort are: (i) establishment and support of an ARCSS Project Office and (ii) the organizational and business systems development of ARCUS. The specific TASKS of the ARCSS Project Office would include: (a) providing support to the ARCSS Integrating Panel, (b) providing support for the OAII Science Steering Committee, and (c) providing support for the LAII Science Steering Committee//