9322401 Ram This award is for support for a three year project to complete measurements of stratigraphy on the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2) ice core with laser-light scattering, using both a solid technique and a technqiue that involves analysis of meltwater. At present, the resolution of the meltwater measurements only allows annual layers larger than 3 cm to be distinguished, so ice below 1900 m cannot be properly analyzed by scattering from meltwater. The resolution of these measurements will be improved so that annual layers as small as 1 cm will be able to be measured by this technique. Measurements using the solid technique have, so far, only been applied to bubble-free ice. It will be demonstrated that this technique can be extended to bubbly ice and this method will be used to analyze all remaining sections of the ice core. The laser-light scattering measurements will be calibrated so that they give the variation in number of particles larger than 0.5 microns along the core, rather than just the relative scattered light intensity. Finally, selected sections of the core will be remeasured at regular time intervals to determine how the scattered signal changes with time as bubbles reemerge. ***