SES 0408566 Rosalind Williams, MIT "SHOT Summer Writing Workshop"
Project Description: This is a pilot project for SHOT to develop into an annual event. The workshop will bring together participants with a staff of experienced writing teachers. It will also include discussions with book and magazine editors, science and technology journalists, and publishing industry representatives.
Intellectual Merit: The purpose of the workshop is to improve the writing ability of the participants in preparing academic publications and also in writing for the larger public. The precise balance between these two goals will depend upon the career stage and trajectory of each participant. Such a project has never been attempted by an STS academic society, thus underscoring the importance of this proposal.
Broader Impact: The workshop will have multiple benefits. It will improve the general level of writing ability among scholars; broaden awareness of the range of publication opportunities available to scholars; encourage writing for the larger public as well as for academic audiences; and develop an informal network of peer-to-peer editing and mentorship that over the years could provide ongoing motivation to improve writing skills and could significantly improve the communication abilities and range of academics. It is anticipated that this workshop will serve as a model for the rest of the STS community.