This project brings together social scientists and engineers to develop a predictive theory of social organization, as a conglomerate of mating flows that morph in time to flow more easily (people. goods, money, information). A team of Duke social scientists and engineers will explore a series of topics that will define a new research direction: the constructal theory of social dynamics. Examples are the multi-scale (organized) distribution of living settlements, the occurrence of multi-scale flow structure inside each settlement, 'development' as the relation between fast-flowing societies and advancement and wealth, migration patterns, and globalization. The team will organize a 2-year faculty/graduate student seminar with speakers from the US and abroad on social organization theory. The team will write the first papers on the constructal theory of social dynamics, and will define the research area that should be explored with greater force in the future. Funds are requested for the work of organizing the seminar, and for travel and lodging for the 12 speakers over the two years.