This project is a conference that serves as a forum to discuss and advance scientific understanding of the long-term impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Latino communities in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. In addition to the disproportionate health impacts of COVID-19 on Latino communities, the pandemic has triggered an economic recession and educational privation across the United States that have also excessively affected Latino communities in the Tri-State area. In the conference, social and behavioral scientists from a wide range of disciplines, featuring scholars from regional Hispanic Serving Institutions, share their emerging research on the interconnected dynamics of the transformation in community contexts, access to healthcare, and educational outcomes in Hispanic communities due to the pandemic. The knowledge developed from this conference will help decision makers and community leaders develop an in-depth understanding of the impact of the pandemic on Latino communities.
This conference broadens participation by Latina and Latino scholars and scholars that teach and do research with Latino communities in the advancement of knowledge and understanding on health, economic, and educational impacts of the pandemic. The conference is organized to institutionalize social networks across regional Hispanic Serving Institutions. The thematic areas of the conference include (1) health disparities, (2) community structures, and (3) educational processes. Each of the first three panels highlights one of these central themes, while the second-day panel focuses on building foundational connections across the thematic areas. The conference features three levels of dissemination: a special journal issue to be shared with the academic community, the participation of community-based organizations and policymakers in the conference; and a broadcast and digital repository of researcher snapshots and conference proceedings for the broader public.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.