This project surveys a representative national sample of 1500 U.S. adults to get their ideas of justice regarding economic, political, and social issues. Respondents will report their conceptions of both actual and ideal relationships between individuals' characteristics and their outcomes. Data will permit the first comprehensive test of a formal theory of deter- minants and consequences of felt justice and injustice. The survey also will be administered in countries with governments and economic systems comparable to the U.S. (Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, and Italy) and in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the U.S.S.R., and Yugoslavia). Future research will survey China. This permits comparisons of justice feelings in different types of social systems, and in countries undergoing rapid change. Analyses will include com- parisons of individuals in different circumstances, and of differing ages and cultural backgrounds. The outcome of this project will be a collaborative monograph based on the multi- national data.