This investigation will convene an interdisciplinary working group of experts to analyze international regimes for managing regional environmental resources. The group would focus on the comparative study of three cases: the Great Lakes, the Baltic, and the Mediterranean. The project would consider 1) the role of scientific and other "epistemic" communities in regime-formation; 2) the significance of ethical principles of stewardship; 3) the extent of the obligation to protect environmental public goods; 4) the difficulties of overcoming pluralism; and 5) the relation between interantional regimes and international orders. The working group would meet twice to plan and discuss papers which, after critical review and revision, would serve as the basis of a unified anthology. The principal investigator would also write and publish articules examining principles and practices of regime- formation among nations sharing a regional biological commons. The topic of this proposal is of high priority for Ethics and Values Studies and Human Dimensions of Global Change. The qualifications and track record of the investigator and proposed members of the working group are excellent. The project provides an important test for theories about the development of international regimes for the provision of public goods. Results will be useful for a wide range of individuals and groups. The proposal is recommended for support.