This project is designed to promote understanding and consensus on how rights in primary scholarly communication should be managed in the emerging digital network environment. The project is occasioned by the rapid growth of computer networking and new forms of scholarly communication and publishing. The project begins with further development of a background paper for understanding control issues at different stages of the dissemination process. The investigators have secured the cooperation of the Coalition for Networked Information, to assist with computer conferences and a workshop in which scientists, engineers, and other scholars who use computer networks will respond to the background document. This process will also provide an occasion for identifying authors or sources for relevant papers examining issues along the continuum of scholarly communication, from research collaboration to site licensing. The goal is to provide a coherent and accurate overview of the issues and institutions involved in computer networking and publication. Project results are expected to include journal articles, a monograph, and ongoing discussions and communications involving relevant professional associations and academic and commercial institutions. The investigators also expect to prepare additional proposals for further research on these issues, and for the development of policy models for the consideration of societies, funding agencies, and publishers. The topic of this proposal is of highest priority for Ethics and Values Studies. The qualifications and track record of these investigators are excellent. The project provides an important effort to identify and classify issues of rights in scholarly communication associated with new developments in networked environments. Results will be useful for a wide range of individuals and groups. The revised budget is modest. The proposal is recommended for support.