Recent work on quantum mechanics has focussed on the measurement problem. Because processes used to prepare systems in specifiable quantum mechanical states are similar to measurements, it is commonly thought that preparations also suffer from a similar "preparation problem." Little work has previously been done on preparations, however, or on this apparent preparation problem. Recently, Dr. Wessels has shown that there is no preparation problem strictly analogous to the measurement problem. Two problems, roughly similar to the measurement problem do arise, however, when some of the processes generally assumed to be preparations are analyzed quantum mechanically. A rough analysis of several examples suggests some ways one of these problems might be solved. One goal of this project is to work out these suggestions in detail, to see whether they work. Another is to clarify the difficulties encountered in trying to solve the second problem. Also, Dr. Wessels is undertaking a survey of physics literature to determine what types of processes are currently being used for preparation. She is analyzing processes representative of these types to see if they also suffer from the two problems, and for those that do, she is seeking solutions. She is also addressing related issues and is exploring further the connection between preparation and measurement.