This planning grant will focus and refine theory and methodology for field research on collaborative processes in long-term interdisciplinary and inter-institutional projects organized to solve complex social and technological problems. Two projects, one on adolescent social welfare issues and one on issues of regional water management, have agreed to serve as primary case studies; five others will be involved in pre-testing. In this phase of the research, the investigators will 1. consolidate and evaluate theories that address collaborations, anchoring the project in Vygotskian sociocultural theory; 2. develop hypotheses about collaborator values, roles, and working methods; the interaction of these variables in multifaceted projects, and the effects of these interactions on project climate, productivity, and effectiveness; 3. determine levels of analysis; 4. identify social and political issues affecting the primary case studies; 5. design a case study approach balancing generalizability and depth; 6. refine and pre-test methods; and 7. interview three key participants in each primary case. During this phase, the investigators will present their results at regional and national conferences. At its end, they will prepare and submit a research proposal to implement the design that they have developed.