Brustein and Berntson Women's participation in France's electorally-successful Front National is growing and will likely prove integral to the future electoral success of that anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic political party. Women's participation in the Front National's traditional and "family" values platform is also required to ensure the success of its social and political goals. The proposed research is a case study of women's participation in the Front National. Until recently women's participation in far-right political parties has been neglected by scholars, who perhaps assumed for various reasons that women would not join such parties. Informed by an interest-based model of political participation and by work on the narrative construction of identity, this dissertation project will enhance our understanding of women's reasons for joining such parties and will explore the dimensions of their participation. The study will do so through semi-structured interviews with women who belong to the Front National in Montepellier and Toulon, France. ***