There are approximately 20 million U.S. Veterans, of whom 42% are aged 65 years and older. Dementia is common among older Veterans. Veterans, who represent an important, and in some ways unique, at-risk population, are key stakeholders in research focused on Alzheimer?s disease and Alzheimer?s disease related dementia (AD/ADRD). Our goal is to identify and implement effective and sustainable strategies to increase the recruitment and retention of Veterans in research programs of the Stanford Alzheimer?s Disease Research Center (ADRC) and in other clinical research focused on AD/ADRD. The Stanford ADRC, in partnership with the Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System will hire a Recruitment Coordinator and build collaborations to accomplish the following four aims: (1) Develop, test, and implement strategies?including a tiered recruitment strategy?to identify, recruit, and enroll Veterans into research programs of the Stanford ADRC and into other AD/ADRD clinical research programs; (2) Enhance recruitment, enrollment, and retention of Veterans who are members of minority groups underrepresented in AD/ADRD clinical research; (3) Establish a Veterans Advisory Council, which will help develop and implement an innovative Veteran-centered approach to program evaluation; and (4) In concert with the Stanford ADRC Work Group on Informative Biomarker Disclosure and the Advisory Group for Risk Evidence Education on Dementia, develop and implement disclosure protocols and educational products focused on Veterans? preferences and needs.
/ RELEVANCE The Stanford Alzheimer?s Disease Research Center, in partnership with the Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System, will develop and implement effective and sustainable strategies to increase the recruitment and retention of Veterans in research programs of the Stanford Alzheimer?s Disease Research Center (ADRC) and in other clinical research focused on Alzheimer?s disease and Alzheimer?s disease related research.