The established ?sliding-filament theory? of muscle contraction, while it is adequate to explain actin-myosin force generation, does not suffice to account for changes in membrane lipid bilayer parallel to the sliding filament during sarcomere shortening. To reconcile this unexplained phenomenon, our group has spent the last decade trying to contend with this dilemma and have recently identified a mechanical amplifier, a non- conventional motor protein, prestin (Slc26a5) and its oligomer Slc26a6 in cardiac myocytes, serving as a muscle amplifier. Prestin is a member of the solute carrier (SLC) gene family. We hypothesize that prestin acts as a ?spring? to amplify actin-myosin force generation and accounts for the non-linear properties of muscle contraction. Specifically, we hypothesize that prestin is expressed in cardiac myocytes and serves as a non- conventional motor. Prestin is distinct in SLC26 family of proteins because of its molecular motor function in contrast to the anion transport functions of other members. We further hypothesize that Slc26a6 is required as an efficient transporter to create intracellular Cl- microdomain for the proper function of prestin. Using direct electrophysiological measurements, we demonstrate that prestin is indeed, a weak anion transporter compared with Slc26a6. To function effectively, prestin requires a strong anion exchanger for its optimal function. Thus, we hypothesize that prestin requires a ?team player?, Slc26a6, to form heteromeric proteins to perform distinct functions in cardiac myocytes. Collectively, our findings greatly challenge the current paradigm in the field and would not have been realized except for a close collaboration among seemingly disparate disciplines in neuroscience, cardiovascular, and biomedical engineering investigative units. 1
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in United States and causes more deaths than all cancers combined. Prestin (Slc26a5) is a member of the Solute Carrier (SLC) gene family. Here, we propose to study the fundamental roles of prestin in the amplification of cardiac contraction. 1
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