for CT Food Recall Capacity Building - The intended outcome of this applicationis to advance efforts for an integrated food safety system through training local health,State Food Safety Programs and industry in recall procedures and policies. Background- some years back the Department of Consumer Protection developed a trainingprogram on a broad spectrum for recalls, CPSE recalls for products, USDA recalls formeat and poultry and FDA recalls for those foods regulated by the FDA. The goal of thisapplication is to expand on the existing product while providing training to local, stateand industry on recalls. The deliverables will be a perfected Train-the-Trainer approachto educating regulatory and industry officials on recalls through the entire process fromimplementation, execution until the recall is formally closed. The integration of theConnecticut recall programs into the national program is the specific mission and use offunds procured will be dedicated to that purpose. The goal is improved food safety forfood products in intra as well as inter- state commerce in the State of Connecticut andthe Nation as a whole along with greater understanding of how the recall process works.
CT DCP Narrative - Capacity Building Recall Project Proposed Work Plan Outline 1. Review and revise and update the existing Recall Workshop materials. 2. Hire a Health Program Associate to help in the revisions and to organize and conduct training sessions. 3. Provide two annual trainings to local health and industry to perfect the train-the- trainer module. Recalls can be very confusing and a daunting task for most. Comprehension of the seriousness of the recall can be at best limited both by regulatory agencies as well as the recalling entity. Areas of responsibility coupled with the terminology (voluntary is a mine field) can be confusing particularly for small to medium size businesses. There is a need for training on what constitutes a recall, terminology used as well as the typical course of recall, coupled with a practical exercise where the student conducts a mock recall. Deliverables will be a train-the-trainer module related to recalls along with a table top exercise. The recall module will deal with FDA, USDA and CPSE recall requirements.