The IDeA State Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN) will provide access for underservedand rural populations to state-of-the-art clinical trials creating a unique opportunity to expandpediatric research across South Carolina (SC). The Trials and ReseArch NetworkS FOR More-South Carolina (TRANSFORM SC) project will connect pediatric investigators with experience inmulti-center clinical trials with pediatric providers interested in developing experience in pediatricresearch and expanding access to trials and research for their patients.This project will establish pediatric clinical trials teams at the TRANSFORM SC sites, enablingpediatric clinical trials throughout the state of SC. Teams will receive professional developmentand support to establish needed infrastructure to participate in future ISPCTN clinical trials. TheTRANSFORM SC leadership team will provide oversight, mentoring and additional clinical trialsupport for the developing research teams, through a combination of in person training and acentral Virtual Clinical Trials Office utilizing resources available through the South CarolinaTranslational Research Institute, Health Sciences South Carolina and the SC TelehealthResearch and Innovation Program. TRANSFORM SC will integrate with the Data Coordinatingand Operations Center to maximize training and research capability at SC sites through learningstate-of-the-art techniques in clinical trials for rural and underserved populations across SC. AnAccess, Collaboration, and Engagement (ACE) Core will be established to work with sites toprovide means for both internal and external access, collaboration and engagement. Sites willestablish registries of families interested in being contacted for research, in order to bothconsolidate their training, as well as to prepare and accelerate recruitment into ISPCTN andEnvironmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program studies. This core willalso provide access for researchers developing protocols, to better understand the needs ofchildren in rural and underserved location.
TRANSFORM SC will connect pediatric investigators experienced in multi-center clinical trialswith pediatric providers interested in developing their research knowledge and expertise; inorder to establish pediatric clinical trials teams to engage rural and medically underservedpopulations in state-of-the-art trials and research. The TRANSFORM SC program will providethese teams the professional development; support and infrastructure to participate in futureISPCTN trials and accelerate the success of the ECHO program and other NIH priority areas.
Snowden, Jessica; Darden, Paul; Palumbo, Paul et al. (2018) The institutional development award states pediatric clinical trials network: building research capacity among the rural and medically underserved. Curr Opin Pediatr 30:297-302 |