TRANSFORM SC ? (Trials and ReseArch NetworkS FOR More) South Carolina is a statewide consortium of pediatric providers who collectively can reach virtually all children in the state of South Carolina. This consortium has all the critical elements for a center to be a successful collaborator in the IDeA States Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN): adequate patient volume, creation and retention of an established clinical research infrastructure, a track record of outstanding subject enrollment, and a dedication to team- based science. These elements have allowed this South Carolina clinical site to be a highly successful and administratively active participant in the inaugural funding cycle of the ISPCTN. Furthermore, South Carolina investigators have participated in many leadership roles for the ISPCTN including Chair of the Publications and Presentations Committee (Atz), member of the ISPCTN Leadership Committee (Turley), and Chairs of ECHO clinical focus working groups (Atz- pre,peri, postnatal outcomes; Turley- positive health). South Carolina sites are represented in each and every one of the current and upcoming ISPCTN clinical trials. The combined resources of patient volume, research infrastructure and dedication have enabled TRANSFORM SC to be among the top subject enrollers in the ISPCTN.
The IDeA States Clinical Trials Network has rapidly expanded the capacity to conduct clinical trials in states with a limited degree of clinical research infrastructure and a high percentage of rural and underserved children. Collaboration among the Clinical Research Centers, the Data Coordinating and Operation Center and the ECHO office at the NIH permits multi-center evaluation of high impact pediatric trials that advance the state of children's health; provides a training platform for fellows, junior faculty, and nurses; supports development of novel techniques and methodologies; and promotes dissemination of study results to improve the scientific basis for the care of affected children.
Snowden, Jessica; Darden, Paul; Palumbo, Paul et al. (2018) The institutional development award states pediatric clinical trials network: building research capacity among the rural and medically underserved. Curr Opin Pediatr 30:297-302 |