CTS-9529248 K. R. Amarnath Charles Byers EPRI ABSTRACT "Electro-Separations 2020, A Workshop on Future Directions in Electrically Driven Separations" will bring together several scientists and engineers from universities, industries and government laboratories to discuss electro-separation technologies. Electro-separation has been defined as "The use of electricity, or electromagnetic fields to produce or enhance chemical or physical separations." The technologies have the potential to solve separation problems that are difficult by existing methods, to save substantial amounts of primary energy, and to perform strategic environmental separations. The workshop will combine seminars by experts in electro-separations and all technical aspects will be open to discussion. The research needs in this topic will be identified, prioritized and documented in the proceedings. The experience and knowledge transfer from this workshop may catalyze research and development with significant impact on cost-effective electro-separations technology, leading to widespread use in pollution prevention or control and for environmentally conscious manufacturing with energy savings.