Algebra is the core of secondary school mathematics. It provides concepts, language, and reasoning methods that are essential tools for problem solving in science, technology, and every other branch of mathematics. computer graphic, numerical, and symbol manipulation tools that are now widely available offer powerful new approaches to algebraic problem solving and to learning algebraic concepts, principles, and skills. Thus computing offers promise of an impressive advance in the scope and effectiveness of secondary school algebra. This joint University of Maryland and Pennsylvania State University Project will complete development, field testing, and evaluation of prototype instructional materials for an elementary algebra strand in secondary school mathematics that reflects appropriate integration of computer tools for problem solving, teaching, and learning. The primary responsibility for curriculum development will rest with the University of Maryland and the teacher preparation and evaluation of the field tests will be done by Pennsylvania State University. The final products will include model student text materials and computer software, guidelines for teacher preparation, analyses of student learning, and guidelines for evaluation of achievement in the coming computer-intensive environments for school algebra.