This award supports a National Science Foundation Dissertation Enhancement award to Dr. Hayley Shen of Clarkson University. Dr. Shen's Ph.D. student, Mr. Gregory Leonard, will work for three months in the laboratory of Professor Motoyoshi Ikeda of the Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Japan. The research project will investigate wind and wave effects on sea ice.
The proposed research will compare remotely sensed and field data obtained from the Okhotsk Sea to model studies in order to determine the effects of wind and waves on the motion and growth/decay of sea ice in the study region. This project will provide access to the considerable Japanese field data from the Okhotsk Sea, thus facilitating interpretation of remote sensing results and providing input to the theoretical models. The project will add new information to our understanding of sea ice dynamics and, at the same time, encourage stronger U.S.-Japan collaboration in this area of research. ***