EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. Thisrapp'IicatTdn' requests support'Tor a postdoctoral research framing program in maternal'arid child 'health : j for international investigators from Mexico, Chile, and Russia. The goals of the program are to prepare a j cadre of basic scientists and clinical investigators for independent research careers at their home institutions | and to enhance NIH-sponsored collaborative research in maternal and child health with the international ! institutions. The program is directed by the P.I. and an Executive Committee with advice from an Advisory I Committee, which includes senior investigators from the international institutions. The programs focus will i be on intensive training in either clmical research methodology or bench research. A broad academic enrichment program that includes opportunities for advanced graduate level course work, weekly seminars, journal clubs, and conferences and seminars on the responsible conduct of research will enhance research training. The training will encompass 2-3 years. Trainees will be selected from a strong pool of applicants j based on prior academic achievements, potential to excel in research, commitment to an academic career, and plans of the home institution. Applications will be solicited from centers in Mexico, Chile, and St. Petersburg Medical University in Russia with the help of the Advisory Committee. The training faculty consists of 11 investigators, all of whom have extramural peer reviewed grant support for their research activities. The program will have three major themes: spontaneous miscarriage/preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia/intrauterine growth retardation, and birth defects. It is anticipated that joint research projects will evolve from this training program that will expand and facilitate on-going NIH-supported studies at the University of Pennsylvania. !PERFO'RlvTANCE'SrrE(S] (organizafioh, city, state) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Children's Hospital of Philadelphia KEY PERSONNEL ========================================Section End===========================================