One half of cancer patients in the United States receive radiation therapy at sometime during the course ofdisease. Existing radiation therapy of cancer using external x-ray beam relies on free radicals generated fromwater radiolysis to damage DNA, and the selectivity of tumor killing is due to diminished ability of cancer cellsto repair damaged DNA. A great challenge of external beam x-ray radiation therapy is that high dose radiationsdamage surrounding healthy tissues. Although many techniques have been used to enhance radiosensitivity oftumor, and minimize x-ray doses on normal cells, at time when radiation dose is sufficient to kill tumor, damageto normal cells already occurs. The low tumor selectivity limits radiation dose that can be safely administered tosuch an extent that incomplete treatment or recurrence of cancer occurs frequently. Instead of generating DNA-damaging free radicals outside cancer cells, or inside both cancer and normalcells, this project is to develop a new nanoparticle enhanced x-ray radiation therapy modality, in which complexoxide nanoparticles that are specifically attached at cancer cells are used as nanoscale frequency convertorsto convert highly penetrating x-ray into fluorescence in ultraviolet region; the internally produced fluorescencecan cause chemical reactions of photoactive molecules immobilized on nanoparticles, and change the surfaceproperties of nanoparticles so that nanoparticles can penetrate cellular and nuclear membranes; subsequent x-ray irradiation can generate free radicals around nanoparticles inside nuclei of cancer cells to damage DNAs. Ifsuccessful, this new cancer treatment method could dramatically enhance the survivability of cancer patientsespecially those with buried cancers by providing effective treatments at low radiation doses. In a much larger context, this particular submission is the cornerstone to establish an entirely new researcharea, In-vivo Photochemistry, in which functional nanoparticles that are delivered at certain site inside the bodywill be used as nanoscale frequency modulators to convert high frequency highly penetrating x-ray radiationinto low frequency ultraviolet or visible light emission that can be absorbed by photoactive organic molecules atnanoparticle surface or inside cells. This new use of functional nanoparticles removes the long-lasting obstacleof low tissue penetration depth of ultraviolet and visible lights, and allows many photochemical reactions to beable to carry out inside the body. By providing an unprecedented control at molecular, cellular, or tissue level,this project will have a far-reaching and profound impact on a wide variety of biomedical fields including cancertreatment, neural signal control and drug releasing, among many others.
The new use of nanoparticles as nanoscale frequency modulator removes the long-lasting obstacle of lowtissue penetration depth of ultraviolet and visible light; allows many photochemical reactions to be carried outinside body; and will have a profound impact on a wide variety of biomedical fields. The x-ray radiation therapywith nanoparticles internalized into nuclei of cancer cells represents a paradigm shift from existing radiationtherapy. This method could significantly enhance effectiveness of x-ray radiation therapy; and reduce damageto normal cells; and thus dramatically enhance the survivability and quality of life of cancer patients.