Ross, Lainie Friedman (2011) In defense of the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement--children as hematopoietic stem cell donors. Pediatr Blood Cancer 56:520-3
Kelly, Michael L; Ackerman, Paul D; Ross, Lainie Friedman (2005) The participation of minorities in published pediatric research. J Natl Med Assoc 97:777-83
Ross, Lainie Friedman (2005) Lessons to be learned from the 407 process. Health Matrix Clevel 15:401-21
Ross, Lainie Friedman (2004) Informed consent in pediatric research. Camb Q Healthc Ethics 13:346-58
Coffey, M Justin; Wilfond, Benjamin; Ross, Lainie Friedman (2004) Ethical assessment of clinical asthma trials including children subjects. Pediatrics 113:87-94
Ross, Lainie Friedman (2004) Children in medical research: balancing protection and access--has the pendulum swung too far? Perspect Biol Med 47:519-36
Cooper, Zachary N; Nelson, Robert M; Ross, Lainie Friedman (2004) Certificates of confidentiality in research: rationale and usage. Genet Test 8:214-20
Coffey, M Justin; Ross, Lainie (2004) Human subject protections in genetic research. Genet Test 8:209-13
Ross, Lainie Friedman (2003) Do healthy children deserve greater protection in medical research? J Pediatr 142:108-12
Ross, Lainie Friedman (2003) Minimizing risks: the ethics of predictive diabetes mellitus screening research in newborns. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 157:89-95
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