A veterinary medicine transfusion medicine academic award (VTMAA) is proposed for the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The objective of the VTMAA are: 1) Develop an effective multidisciplinary veterinary medicine curricula in transfusion medicine, for the undergraduate and graduate education by: centralizing the organization of teaching transfusion medicine by a Transfusion Medicine Educational Committee; developing a new independent study interactive videodisc program and text of veterinary transfusion medicine; and strengthen the clinical clerkships of medicine, clinical pathology, intensive care and surgery; 2) attract and develop young veterinary clinicians and scientist to the research, and clinical pathology, intensive care and surgery; 2) attract and develop young veterinary clinicians and scientist to he research, and clinical needs of both veterinary and human transfusion medicine; 3) in collaboration the MSU human medicine TMAA develop interdisciplinary medicine-veterinary continue an active comparative medicine research program and; 5) establish a national consensus group of VTMAA and others to set the standards for antigen typing and compatibility testing in veterinary transfusion medicine. As the College of Human Medicine has a TMAA, this VTMAA would be uniquely placed and benefit from an academic institution strong in transfusion medicine, with the necessary educational evaluative and innovative teaching resources and excellent basic science research resources. The environment will strengthen VTM education and enchance comparative transfusion medicine research.