. Build and maintain a collection of neoplasms and related diseases in cold-blooded vertebrates and invertebrates. . Provide a diagnostic service. . Build, maintain, and computerize a complete reprint library relevant to neoplasms in subhomeothermic animals. . Serve as an information clearinghouse relevant to neoplasms in subhomeothermic animals. . Collaborate on field or experimental studies.
Gardner, G R; Yevich, P P; Harshbarger, J C et al. (1991) Carcinogenicity of Black Rock Harbor sediment to the eastern oyster and trophic transfer of Black Rock Harbor carcinogens from the blue mussel to the winter flounder. Environ Health Perspect 90:53-66 |
Gardner, G R; Yevich, P P; Hurst, J et al. (1991) Germinomas and teratoid siphon anomalies in softshell clams, Mya arenaria, environmentally exposed to herbicides. Environ Health Perspect 90:43-51 |
Baumann, P C; Harshbarger, J C; Hartman, K J (1990) Relationship between liver tumors and age in brown bullhead populations from two Lake Erie tributaries. Sci Total Environ 94:71-87 |