Several lines of evidence indicate that drinking behavior in women is more likely to be motivated by affect regulation and stress, whereas drinking in men is motivated by stimulation and alcohol-related positive reinforcement. Project 3 will collect preliminary data for a Phase 2b double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to examine sex differences in guanfacine's effect on 1) counteracting stress- and stimulation-based drinking behavior in the laboratory and 2) improving clinical outcomes during a subsequent treatment phase.
The Career Enhancement Core of the Yale-SCORE contributes to public health by responding to the dramatic need for interdisciplinary and translational scientists, focused on applying sex as a biological variable (SABV) to the study of alcohol use. The Career Enhancement program includes: salary support for junior faculty, a pilot project program, a curriculum that includes leadership training, and an opportunity to be exposed to clinical work with women presenting with addictive disorders.