Project 3 - Chronically implanted, movable, multielectrode arrays will be used to study medial prefrontalcortex (PFC) in young adult and aged rats during a delayed alternation task. The overall hypothesis is thataged PFC is impaired at encoding information that is critical for guiding future behavioral decisions. Neuralcoding of task events (e.g., correct and incorrect responding) will be quantified using statistical classifiers.Classifiers will also be used to quantify the extent of redundancy in the ensembles, a measure of functionalinteractions. These studies will provide the first data, to our knowledge, on the effects of aging on neuronalactivity in rat PFC during a behavioral task that depends on PFC function.
Aim 1 will examine how agingalters neuronal correlates of working memory. We hypothesize that, due to weakened connectivity betweenPFC neurons with advancing age, there will be a loss of functional interactions within PFC. We will alsoexamine effects of distracting stimuli on persistent activity during delay periods.
Aim 2 will examine effects ofthe alpha-2A agonist guanfacine, a potential cognitive enhancer, on PFC neural ensembles. We hypothesizethat inhibition of cAMP/HCN signaling through chronic treatment with guanfacine will strengthen PFCconnectivity and improve working memory in aged rats. Specifically, guanfacine will improve the signal-tonoiseratios of delay-related neuronal firing and will increase correlations between neurons with delay-relatedactivity. This study will provide a unique opportunity to observe evolving changes in circuit strength duringchronic drug treatment.
Aim 3 will examine effects of altered expression of PDE4 or HCN channels in PFCon on PFC neural ensembles. Adeno-viral technology, developed in Project 2, will be used to manipulatecAMP/HCN signaling in the aging PFC by either overexpressing PDE4 or knocking down levels of HCNchannels. We hypothesize that these manipulations will have effects similar to guanfacine: improving thesignai-to-noise ratios of delay-related neuronal firing and increasing correlations between neurons withdelay-related activity. LAY SUMMARY: Project 3 will determine if aging alters how neurons in the prefrontalcortex work together and will investigate effects of potential cognitive enhancing drugs.
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