Core E core Director Frankel, Paul Principal investigator: Raubitschek, AndrewDESCRIPTION:The Biostatistics Core serves as a centralized resource to the investigators of the Antibody TargetedRadiation and Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Solid Tumors Program Project Grant (PPG), providingDiostatistical expertise and clinical research management resources to all projects. The Biostatistics Coreincludes two Senior Biostatisticians (one is the Core Director), 1 Staff Biostatistician, a Quality AssuranceClinical Research Associate, and a Clinical Research Associate. The Biostatistics Core provides study design,sample size projections, safety monitoring, case form development, data collection, data quality assurance,statistical programming, summary and analysis of study results, and collaboration in writing abstracts andpeer-review publications. Statistical analyses are performed using SAS, S-PLUS, R software packages, andspecialty software. The Biostatistics Core ensures that the proposed research hypothesis will be measured,tested, and interpreted, independent of whether the data comes from basic science, translational ormmunologic studies, imaging, or clinical trials. The Biostatistics Core will also continue to providenfrastructure for the management and integration of both existing and newly collected data throughconsistent and compatible data handling, which is particularly important given the large amount of datacollected and processed as part of the Imaging Response Assessment Team (IRAT), the IRAT workstationthat will employed for this PPG, and the important cross study analysis that will be conducted. The Core willcontinue to have an integral role in the scientific development, execution and analysis of all projects in thePPG, including clinical trials. Core investigators have extensive experience in quantitative methods forbiomedical applications, including clinical, basic and translational science studies. The Core is committed tocontinue its leadership role in the scientific integrity of the PPG investigations, to participating in regularproject and program meetings, and to providing rigorous and innovative input on all quantitative mattersarising in the projects. Their contribution to each project promotes interdisciplinary interactions andinnovative hypotheses for exploration. The Biostatistics Core has been involved in study design for eachspecific aims of the current proposal, and will continue to be a critical component to successful conduct of thePPG.
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