The Scientific/Administrative Core provides the scientific, managerial, and coordinating structure to ensurethe seamless functioning of the program project. The Scientific/Administrative core includes both an internalsteering committee, providing scientific integration, quality control, and oversight across projects and cores,as well as an external scientific advisory committee.
The aims of this core are:1) to provide an intellectual environment that will generate a collaborative program of multidisciplinaryresearch to address important issues about adolescent tobacco use, including helping to plan overlappinganalyses across projects;2) to provide overall administrative and scientific leadership for the program project;3) to provide infrastructure support for and coordination of the research activities across projects and cores;4) to coordinate all communications and networking between projects, cores, and institutions to ensuresmooth operations and timely communications, including the establishment of communication vehicles andstructures (e.g, password protected web sites for sharing of documents, information across prqiects, coresand institutions);5) to develop policies and procedures for the program project (e.g., publication policies, authorship policies);and6) to coordinate dissemination of research findings. The internal steering committee will be comprised of thesenior leadership of the projects and cores, as well as the primary investigators, and will meet bi-weekly. Theexternal advisory commmittee will be comprised of experts in adolescent smoking and adolescentdevelopment and will meet annually.
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