The Administrative Core will coordinate the administrative, fiscal, and organization aspects of our PPG program. Personnel in this Core will facilitate scientific communication among the clinical and laboratory sites of the project, and will provide support services to each of the projects. Investigators in the Department of Pediatrics have faculty appointments at UW and scientific appointments at SCRI and SCH. Collaborative scientific projects involving investigators at SCRI, SCH, and UW are frequent, and the administrative staff at the have excellent working relationships, such that tasks such as inter-institutional financial and budgetary management are routine. As the overall Program Director, Dr. David Beier is responsible for scientific overview of the project, for overall budgetary and administrative matters, and for insuring the investigators adhere to the highest ethical standards in conducting their research. All of the senior investigators, Dr. Katrina Dipple, Dr. Jay Shendure, and Dr. Murat Maga, have experience with interdisciplinary multi-investigator, multi-site projects and are well-suited for the collaborative effort that we are proposing. In addition to logistic and financial management of the PPG, the Administrative Core will facilitate inter-project communication and meetings. To facilitate dissemination of results to the community, the Core will also assist in the organization of a local annual meeting that we anticipate will be of interest to the large number of investigators interested in technological development and its application to understanding mammalian development and human disease. Finally, the Core will facilitate the participation in the PPG of underrepresented minority students via the SCRI-sponsored URM Summer Internship Program.