The goal ofthe University of lowa/Mayo Clinic Lymphoma SPORE (UI/MC SPORE) Career Development Program (CDP) is to develop knowledgeable, well-trained scientists experienced in multidisciplinary research for future studies in translational lymphoma research. The provision of ample opportunities for training and career enhancement is a top priority ofthe University of lowa and Mayo Clinic scientific communities. The CDP represents a key
The UI/MC SPORE CDP will provide supportfor integrated training and education to new investigators committed to careers in lymphoma translational research. The CDP is designed to provide breadth and flexibility to awardees who require additional research knowledge and skills in order to compete for independent extramural grant support and contribute to the UI/MC SPORE. The CDP has been very successful over the last 9 years at accomplishing these goals. The CDP will continue as a research experience under the mentorship of established SPORE investigators and supported by SPORE-funded Core resources.
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