The Core component of the Prevention Research Center will perform organizing and administrativefunctions for the entire center, supporting the infrastructure critical to the goals and aims of PRC for theperiod from December 1, 2007 through November 30, 2012. The Core has coordinating responsibility overall center grant research components as well as other funded research projects not a part of the CenterGrant. Scientific standards and public awareness are primary functions of the Core. The Core sponsorstravel to scientific meetings for presentation of research papers. Core responsibilities are both internal(supporting PRC) and external (supporting Alcohol Prevention in general). Greater detail of theAdministrative Core is provides in the sections that follow.Major internal functions of the Core include: Executive Function, Administrative Support, Computer/Statistical Support, and the Research Reference function. The administrative time of the PrincipalInvestigator, Scientific Director, Executive Assistant, and the Librarian are contained within this Core. TheAdministrative Support function includes budgeting, facilities management, and recruitment of personnel.The Computer/Statistical Support function includes: word processing, graphic design capability, anddatabase management. The Research Reference function includes maintenance of the alcohol preventionlibrary.Alcohol prevention is multi-disciplinary, so the Center cannot function in isolation. PRC staff are involved ina range of activities designed to create a scientific base for public discussion about alcohol issues andcontribute to awareness and rational public debate. Therefore, the major external functions of the Coresupport participation in scientific and professional meetings, conference sponsorship, consultation,participation in advisory groups, expert panels or direct technical assistance, providing testimony, researchreview, editorial review, professional associations, and training.
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