Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska (2013) Smoking and mortality among persons aged 75-94. Prev Med 56:185-9
Litwin, Howard; Shrira, Amit; Shmotkin, Dov (2012) Self-reported functional status among the old-old: a comparison of two Israeli cohorts. J Aging Health 24:846-62
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Shmotkin, Dov; Hazan, Haim (2012) Homebound older persons: prevalence, characteristics, and longitudinal predictors. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 54:55-60
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Perach, Rotem (2012) Sleep duration, nap habits, and mortality in older persons. Sleep 35:1003-9
Blumstein, Tzvia; Benyamini, Yael; Chetrit, Angela et al. (2012) Prevalence and correlates of psychotropic medication use among older adults in Israel: cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from two cohorts a decade apart. Aging Ment Health 16:636-47
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska (2012) Trends in health behaviors in the old-old population: results from a national survey. Behav Med 38:6-11
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Perach, Rotem (2011) Is there a reversal in the effect of obesity on mortality in old age? J Aging Res 2011:765071
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Kivity, Yogev (2011) The relationships among health behaviors in older persons. J Aging Health 23:822-42
Shmotkin, Dov; Lerner-Geva, Liat; Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska et al. (2010) Profiles of functioning as predictors of mortality in old age: the advantage of a configurative approach. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 51:68-75
Palgi, Yuval; Shmotkin, Dov (2010) The predicament of time near the end of life: Time perspective trajectories of life satisfaction among the old-old. Aging Ment Health 14:577-86
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