The current project, Jak STAT control of Zika virus-induced fetal injury (R01 AI143265), includes the processing of many nonhuman primate (NHP) and human tissue and cell samples for high throughput RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis. Our sample-processing pipeline for these assays includes RNA isolation and quality control (QC), and library construction and library QC. We currently utilize a Biomek FX automated workstation to perform the majority of these work steps in handling high volume samples in our high throughput workload for these analyses. The Biomek FX is 10 years old. Due to the age, it is not reliable, the ability to obtain a future service contract is not guaranteed, and the current configuration and software are not compatible with off- the-shelf protocols. Thus, we are in need of funds to replace this instrument. The purchase of a Biomek i7 Hybrid automated workstation to replace our Biomek FX workstation, allows us to achieve our stated project goals. 0
The purchase of a Biomek i7 Hybrid automated workstation will allow us to achieve our stated project goals. These goals focused on understanding viral-host interactions and innate immune regulation during Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in human cells and a highly relevant NHP model of maternal-fetal ZIKV transmission. Results from these studies will establish the groundwork f or therapeutic development and future research on emerging viruses likely to be dangerous for human pregnancy. 0