Kupinski, Meredith K; Clarkson, Eric W; Barrett, Harrison H (2013) Scanning linear estimation: improvements over region of interest (ROI) methods. Phys Med Biol 58:1283-301
Clarkson, Eric (2012) Asymptotic ideal observers and surrogate figures of merit for signal detection with list-mode data. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 29:2204-16
Jha, Abhinav K; Kupinski, Matthew A; Barrett, Harrison H et al. (2012) Three-dimensional Neumann-series approach to model light transport in nonuniform media. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 29:1885-99
Chen, Liying; Barrett, Harrison H (2005) Task-based lens design with application to digital mammography. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 22:148-67
Pineda, Angel R; Barrett, Harrison H (2004) Figures of merit for detectors in digital radiography. I. Flat background and deterministic blurring. Med Phys 31:348-58
Pineda, Angel R; Barrett, Harrison H (2004) Figures of merit for detectors in digital radiography. II. Finite number of secondaries and structured backgrounds. Med Phys 31:359-67
Sain, John D; Barrett, Harrison H (2003) Performance evaluation of a modular gamma camera using a detectability index. J Nucl Med 44:58-66
Kupinski, Matthew A; Clarkson, Eric; Hoppin, John W et al. (2003) Experimental determination of object statistics from noisy images. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 20:421-9
Hoppin, John W; Kupinski, Matthew A; Kastis, George A et al. (2002) Objective comparison of quantitative imaging modalities without the use of a gold standard. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 21:441-9
Rogala, Eric W; Barrett, Harrison H (2002) Prototype results of a phase-shifting interferometer capable of measuring the complex index and profile of a test surface. Appl Opt 41:5298-312
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