Li, Xiaohua; Meng, Hong; Chen, Ben D (2009) Differentiation-Associated Expression of Conventional Protein Kinase C Isoforms in Primary Cultures of Bone Marrow Cells Induced by M-CSF and G-CSF. Am J Biomed Sci 1:47-55
Li, Xiaohua; Chen, Ben D (2009) Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor M344 Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in Human THP-1 Leukemia Cells. Am J Biomed Sci 1:352-363
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Lin, Hong; Chen, Catheryne; Li, Xiaohua et al. (2002) Activation of the MEK/MAPK pathway is involved in bryostatin1-induced monocytic differenciation and up-regulation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein. Exp Cell Res 272:192-8
Lin, Hong; Subramanian, Balanehru; Nakeff, Alex et al. (2002) XK469, a novel antitumor agent, inhibits signaling by the MEK/MAPK signaling pathway. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 49:281-6
Lin, Hong; Liu, Xiang Y; Subramanian, Balanehru et al. (2002) Mitotic arrest induced by XK469, a novel antitumor agent, is correlated with the inhibition of cyclin B1 ubiquitination. Int J Cancer 97:121-8
Lin, H; Chen, C; Chen, B D (2001) Resistance of bone marrow-derived macrophages to apoptosis is associated with the expression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in primary cultures of bone marrow cells. Biochem J 353:299-306
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Chen, C; Lin, H; Chen, B D (2000) Bcl-2 antibodies induce hemoglobin release by red blood cells loaded with in vitro translated Bcl-2 and its cleaved fragment. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 270:816-20
Lin, H; Zhang, X M; Chen, C et al. (2000) Apoptosis of Mo7e leukemia cells is associated with the cleavage of Bcl-2 into a shortened fragment that is not functional for heterodimerization with Bcl-2 and Bax. Exp Cell Res 261:180-6
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