Saurer, Timothy B; Ijames, Stephanie G; Lysle, Donald T (2009) Evidence for the nucleus accumbens as a neural substrate of heroin-induced immune alterations. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 329:1040-7
Saurer, Timothy B; Carrigan, Kelly A; Ijames, Stephanie G et al. (2006) Suppression of natural killer cell activity by morphine is mediated by the nucleus accumbens shell. J Neuroimmunol 173:3-11
Saurer, Timothy B; Carrigan, Kelly A; Ijames, Stephanie G et al. (2004) Morphine-induced alterations of immune status are blocked by the dopamine D2-like receptor agonist 7-OH-DPAT. J Neuroimmunol 148:54-62
Elliott, Jay C; Picker, Mitchell J; Nelson, Christina J et al. (2003) Sex differences in opioid-induced enhancement of contact hypersensitivity. J Invest Dermatol 121:1053-9
Lanier, Ryan K; Ijames, Stephanie G; Carrigan, Kelly A et al. (2002) Self-administration of heroin produces alterations in the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Drug Alcohol Depend 66:225-33
Fecho, Karamarie; Lysle, Donald T (2002) Morphine-induced enhancement in the granulocyte response to thioglycollate administration in the rat. Inflammation 26:259-71
Lysle, Donald T; Ijames, Stephanie G (2002) Heroin-associated environmental stimuli modulate the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the rat. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 164:416-22
Lysle, D T; Carrigan, K A (2001) Morphine-6beta-glucuronide modulates the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Inflammation 25:267-75
Fecho, K; Lysl, D T (2001) Acute effects of heroin on the cellularity of the spleen and the apoptosis of splenic leukocytes. Adv Exp Med Biol 493:153-62
Nelson, C J; Lysle, D T (2001) Morphine modulation of the contact hypersensitivity response: characterization of immunological changes. Clin Immunol 98:370-7
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