Morgan, Shae D; Ferguson, Sarah Hargus (2017) Judgments of Emotion in Clear and Conversational Speech by Young Adults With Normal Hearing and Older Adults With Hearing Impairment. J Speech Lang Hear Res 60:2271-2280
Ferguson, Sarah Hargus; Quené, Hugo (2014) Acoustic correlates of vowel intelligibility in clear and conversational speech for young normal-hearing and elderly hearing-impaired listeners. J Acoust Soc Am 135:3570-84
Ferguson, Sarah Hargus (2012) Talker differences in clear and conversational speech: vowel intelligibility for older adults with hearing loss. J Speech Lang Hear Res 55:779-90
Bent, Tessa; Kewley-Port, Diane; Ferguson, Sarah Hargus (2010) Across-talker effects on non-native listeners' vowel perception in noise. J Acoust Soc Am 128:3142-51
Oglesbee, Eric; Kewley-Port, Diane (2009) Estimating vowel formant discrimination thresholds using a single-interval classification task. J Acoust Soc Am 125:2323-35
Fogerty, Daniel; Kewley-Port, Diane (2009) Perceptual contributions of the consonant-vowel boundary to sentence intelligibility. J Acoust Soc Am 126:847-57
Lee, Jae Hee; Kewley-Port, Diane (2009) Intelligibility of interrupted sentences at subsegmental levels in young normal-hearing and elderly hearing-impaired listeners. J Acoust Soc Am 125:1153-63
Nishi, Kanae; Kewley-Port, Diane (2008) Nonnative speech perception training using vowel subsets: effects of vowels in sets and order of training. J Speech Lang Hear Res 51:1480-93
Nishi, Kanae; Kewley-Port, Diane (2007) Training Japanese listeners to perceive American English vowels: influence of training sets. J Speech Lang Hear Res 50:1496-509
Liu, Chang; Kewley-Port, Diane (2007) Factors affecting vowel formant discrimination by hearing-impaired listeners. J Acoust Soc Am 122:2855-64
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