Our long-term objective is to elucidate how social behaviors, universal features ofanimals with complex nervous systems, are genetically controlled through the various sensorysystems in an organism. As a general strategy, we will utilize Drosophila melanogaster as amodel system to elucidate the roles of pheromones and their receptors in social behaviors,such as courtship, mating, aggression etc. In most mammals and insects, the recognition ofcontact and/or volatile pheromone signals plays a central role in these behaviors. In Drosophilaand other insects, members of two families of seven-transmembrane receptors, encoded bythe olfactory (Or) and gustatory receptor (Gr) genes, are thought to recognize pheromones.Stimulation of these receptors leads to the activation of neural ensembles in the CNS, whichare thought to receive also input from other sensory modalities (i.e. visual and auditory).Finally, a complex neural circuit must integrate the information from these diverse sensorychannels and control the elaborate behavioral displays during courtship, aggression and othersocial interactions between individuals. To understand how such complex, integrated circuitsoperate is one of the main scientific challenges in modern, molecular neurobiology. We have previously identified a bona fide pheromone receptor, which plays a majorrole in male courtship. This receptor is encoded by Gr68a, a member of a Gr subfamily, whichincludes five other Gr genes - Gr32a, Gr39a.a, Gr39a.b, Gr39a.c and Gr39a.d. The centralhypothesis of our proposal is that all these Gr genes encode pheromone receptors withspecific roles in diverse social behaviors in Drosophila. We shall take a reverse geneticapproach to elucidate the roles of these receptors. We will generate knock-out alleles for all sixGr pheromone receptor genes, generate Gr mutant fly strains and perform extensivebehavioral analyses with these flies to elucidate Gr gene functions in courtship activation,courtship suppression, aggression, female attraction and other social behaviors. We shall mapthe axonal projections of Gr-expressing, pheromone-sensing neurons and identify neuronaltargets that form synapses with their axons. Finally, we shall identify the main chemicalcompounds that are recognized by these GR pheromone receptors, and hence, represent thecues that activate these neural circuits. This grant will investigate the specific role of pheromone receptors in complexsocial behaviors including sexual behavior, aggression and rejection, using theDrosophila as a model system. The proposed studies will employ extensivegenetic analyses, behavioral experiments and neuroanatomical investigations toidentify the function of these receptors, with the goal to reveal links betweenreceptors and behavior. Our work will significantly expand our rather poorknowledge of pheromone-guided complex behavior and neural circuits thatcontrol them, a hot topic in the field of behavioral and molecular neuroscience.
Fujii, Shinsuke; Yavuz, Ahmet; Slone, Jesse et al. (2015) Drosophila sugar receptors in sweet taste perception, olfaction, and internal nutrient sensing. Curr Biol 25:621-627 |
Miyamoto, Tetsuya; Amrein, Hubert (2014) Diverse roles for the Drosophila fructose sensor Gr43a. Fly (Austin) 8:19-25 |
Yavuz, Ahmet; Jagge, Christopher; Slone, Jesse et al. (2014) A genetic tool kit for cellular and behavioral analyses of insect sugar receptors. Fly (Austin) 8:189-96 |
Chen, Yan; Amrein, Hubert (2014) Enhancing perception of contaminated food through acid-mediated modulation of taste neuron responses. Curr Biol 24:1969-77 |
Miyamoto, Tetsuya; Chen, Yan; Slone, Jesse et al. (2013) Identification of a Drosophila glucose receptor using Ca2+ imaging of single chemosensory neurons. PLoS One 8:e56304 |
Mishra, Dushyant; Miyamoto, Tetsuya; Rezenom, Yohannes H et al. (2013) The molecular basis of sugar sensing in Drosophila larvae. Curr Biol 23:1466-71 |
Miyamoto, Tetsuya; Wright, Geraldine; Amrein, Hubert (2013) Nutrient sensors. Curr Biol 23:R369-73 |
Miyamoto, Tetsuya; Slone, Jesse; Song, Xiangyu et al. (2012) A fructose receptor functions as a nutrient sensor in the Drosophila brain. Cell 151:1113-25 |
Wang, Liming; Han, Xiaoqing; Mehren, Jennifer et al. (2011) Hierarchical chemosensory regulation of male-male social interactions in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci 14:757-62 |
Fujii, Shinsuke; Amrein, Hubert (2010) Ventral lateral and DN1 clock neurons mediate distinct properties of male sex drive rhythm in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107:10590-5 |
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