Mistry, Anahita M; Swick, Andrew G; Romsos, Dale R (2004) Leptin acts peripherally to limit meal-induced increases in plasma insulin concentrations in mice: a brief communication. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 229:1033-7
Lee, Joo-Won; Swick, Andrew G; Romsos, Dale R (2003) Leptin constrains phospholipase C-protein kinase C-induced insulin secretion via a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent pathway. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 228:175-82
Lee, Joo-Won; Romsos, Dale R (2003) Leptin administration normalizes insulin secretion from islets of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) mice by food intake-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 228:183-7
Mistry, Anahita M; Romsos, Dale R (2002) Intracerebroventricular leptin administration reduces food intake in pregnant and lactating mice. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 227:616-9
Lee, J W; Romsos, D R (2001) Leptin-deficient mice commence hypersecreting insulin in response to acetylcholine between 1 and 2 weeks of age. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 226:906-11
Jang, M; Mistry, A; Swick, A G et al. (2000) Leptin rapidly inhibits hypothalamic neuropeptide Y secretion and stimulates corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion in adrenalectomized mice. J Nutr 130:2813-20
Mistry, A M; Swick, A; Romsos, D R (1999) Leptin alters metabolic rates before acquisition of its anorectic effect in developing neonatal mice. Am J Physiol 277:R742-7
Jang, M; Romsos, D R (1998) Neuropeptide Y and corticotropin-releasing hormone concentrations within specific hypothalamic regions of lean but not ob/ob mice respond to food-deprivation and refeeding. J Nutr 128:2520-5
Chen, N G; Swick, A G; Romsos, D R (1997) Leptin constrains acetylcholine-induced insulin secretion from pancreatic islets of ob/ob mice. J Clin Invest 100:1174-9
Chen, N G; Romsos, D R (1997) Persistently enhanced sensitivity of pancreatic islets from ob/ob mice to PKC-stimulated insulin secretion. Am J Physiol 272:E304-11
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