Kuck, J F (1990) Late onset hereditary cataract of the emory mouse. A model for human senile cataract. Exp Eye Res 50:659-64
Lo, W K; Kuck, J F (1990) Alterations of urea-insoluble membrane fraction, MP26, of Emory mouse lenses in aging and cataractogenesis. Ophthalmic Res 22:82-8
Cai, M Z; Kuck Jr, J F; Yu, N T (1989) Galactose-induced cataract in rat: Raman detection of sulfhydryl decrease and water increase along an equatorial diameter. Exp Eye Res 49:531-41
Kuck, J F; Kuck, K D (1989) The Emory mouse cataract: increased accumulation of calcium during cataractogenesis. Lens Eye Toxic Res 6:853-62
Reddan, J R; Kuck, J F; Dziedzic, D C et al. (1989) Establishment of lens epithelial cell lines from Emory and cataract resistant mice and their response to hydrogen peroxide. Lens Eye Toxic Res 6:687-701
Yu, N T; Barron, B C; Kuck Jr, J F (1989) Distribution of two metabolically related fluorophors in human lens measured by laser microprobe. Exp Eye Res 49:189-94
Barron, B C; Yu, N T; Kuck Jr, J F (1988) Raman spectroscopic evaluation of aging and long-wave UV exposure in the guinea pig lens: a possible model for human aging. Exp Eye Res 46:249-58
Kuck Jr, J F; Kuck, K D (1988) The Emory mouse cataract: the effects on cataractogenesis of alpha-tocopherol, penicillamine, triethylenetetramine, and mercaptopropionylglycine. J Ocul Pharmacol 4:243-51
Barron, B C; Yu, N T; Kuck Jr, J F (1988) Distribution of a 488.0-nm-excited fluorophor in the equatorial plane of the human lens by a laser Raman microprobe: a new concept in fluorescence studies. Exp Eye Res 47:901-4
DeNagel, D C; Bando, M; Yu, N T et al. (1988) A Raman study of disulfide and sulfhydryl in the Emory mouse cataract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 29:823-6
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