Bowers, Alex R; Woods, Russell L; Peli, Eli (2004) Preferred retinal locus and reading rate with four dynamic text presentation formats. Optom Vis Sci 81:205-13
Li, Li; Peli, Eli; Warren, William H (2002) Heading perception in patients with advanced retinitis pigmentosa. Optom Vis Sci 79:581-9
Peli, E; Geri, G A (2001) Discrimination of wide-field images as a test of a peripheral-vision model. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis 18:294-301
Peli, E (2001) Vision multiplexing: an engineering approach to vision rehabilitation device development. Optom Vis Sci 78:304-15
Peli, E (2000) Field expansion for homonymous hemianopia by optically induced peripheral exotropia. Optom Vis Sci 77:453-64
Garcia-Perez, M A (2000) Optimal setups for forced-choice staircases with fixed step sizes. Spat Vis 13:431-48
Garcia-Perez, M A; Peli, E (1999) Lack of covariation of the effects of luminance and eccentricity on contrast sensitivity. Optom Vis Sci 76:63-7
Peli, E (1998) The visual effects of head-mounted display (HMD) are not distinguishable from those of desk-top computer display. Vision Res 38:2053-66
Fine, E M; Peli, E (1998) Benefits of rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) over scrolled text vary with letter size. Optom Vis Sci 75:191-6
Peli, E (1997) In search of a contrast metric: matching the perceived contrast of Gabor patches at different phases and bandwidths. Vision Res 37:3217-24
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