The present proposal examines the principles governing language comprehension in reading. The proposed studies examine the principles underlying the syntactic analysis of sentences, principles determining the semantic interpretation of sentences, and the relation between them. The experiments all involve recording subjects' eye movements as they read sentences or short texts. Average reading time per letter in various critical regions of the sentence is used as a measure of processing complexity, along with the gaze durations associated with each word, total sentence reading time, and the probability of making a regressive eye movement which returns to portions of the text which have already been read.
Rayner, Keith; Schotter, Elizabeth R; Drieghe, Denis (2014) Lack of semantic parafoveal preview benefit in reading revisited. Psychon Bull Rev 21:1067-72 |
Traxler, Matrrew J; Frazier, Lyn (2008) The role of pragmatic principles in resolving attachment ambiguities: evidence from eye movements. Mem Cognit 36:314-28 |
Frisson, Steven; Niswander-Klement, Elizabeth; Pollatsek, Alexander (2008) The role of semantic transparency in the processing of English compound words. Br J Psychol 99:87-107 |
Warren, Tessa; McConnell, Kerry; Rayner, Keith (2008) Effects of context on eye movements when reading about possible and impossible events. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 34:1001-10 |
Paterson, Kevin B; Liversedge, Simon P; Filik, Ruth et al. (2007) Focus identification during sentence comprehension: evidence from eye movements. Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester) 60:1423-45 |
Rayner, Keith; Cook, Anne E; Juhasz, Barbara J et al. (2006) Immediate disambiguation of lexically ambiguous words during reading: evidence from eye movements. Br J Psychol 97:467-82 |
Frazier, Lyn; Carminati, Maria Nella; Cook, Anne E et al. (2006) Semantic evaluation of syntactic structure: evidence from eye movements. Cognition 99:B53-62 |
Pollatsek, Alexander; Reichle, Erik D; Rayner, Keith (2006) Tests of the E-Z Reader model: exploring the interface between cognition and eye-movement control. Cogn Psychol 52:1-56 |
Niswander-Klement, Elizabeth; Pollatsek, Alexander (2006) The effects of root frequency, word frequency, and length on the processing of prefixed English words during reading. Mem Cognit 34:685-702 |
Dahlstrom-Hakki, Ibrahim; Pollatsek, Alexander (2006) Limits on integrating motion information across saccades. Percept Psychophys 68:43-53 |
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