Miles, Sally; Chapman, Robin; Sindberg, Heidi (2006) Sampling context affects MLU in the language of adolescents with Down syndrome. J Speech Lang Hear Res 49:325-37
Chapman, Robin S (2006) Language learning in Down syndrome: the speech and language profile compared to adolescents with cognitive impairment of unknown origin. Downs Syndr Res Pract 10:61-6
Chapman, Robin S; Sindberg, Heidi; Bridge, Cynthia et al. (2006) Effect of memory support and elicited production on fast mapping of new words by adolescents with Down syndrome. J Speech Lang Hear Res 49:3-15
Miolo, Giuliana; Chapman, Robin S; Sindberg, Heidi A (2005) Sentence comprehension in adolescents with Down syndrome and typically developing children: role of sentence voice, visual context, and auditory-verbal short-term memory. J Speech Lang Hear Res 48:172-88
Johnson-Glenberg, M C; Chapman, R S (2004) Predictors of parent-child language during novel task play: a comparison between typically developing children and individuals with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res 48:225-38
Seung, H-K; Chapman, R (2004) Sentence memory of individuals with Down's syndrome and typically developing children. J Intellect Disabil Res 48:160-71
Bird, Elizabeth Kay-Raining; Chapman, Robin S; Schwartz, Scott E (2004) Fast mapping of words and story recall by individuals with Down syndrome. J Speech Lang Hear Res 47:1286-300
Chapman, Robin S; Hesketh, Linda J; Kistler, Doris J (2002) Predicting longitudinal change in language production and comprehension in individuals with Down syndrome: hierarchical linear modeling. J Speech Lang Hear Res 45:902-15
Miles, Sally; Chapman, Robin S (2002) Narrative content as described by individuals with Down syndrome and typically developing children. J Speech Lang Hear Res 45:175-89
Chapman, R S; Hesketh, L J (2000) Behavioral phenotype of individuals with Down syndrome. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 6:84-95
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