?? The??goal??of??this??project??is??a??useful??clinical??instrument??for??diagnosis??and??treatment??of?? residual??limb??volume??fluctuation??in??individuals??who??use??prosthetic??limbs.?? The??specific??aims??are??to??enhance??our??current??bioimpedence??analysis??system??to??measure?? in?rsocket??residual??limb??volume??change.????The??intent??is??to??create??an??effective??tool??for??in?r clinic??analysis??and??interpretation,??providing??a??quick??and??quantitative??indication??of??a?? patient's??diurnal??limb??volume??fluctuation??status,??insight??into??its??source,??and??methods??for?? treatment.?? To??accomplish??the??aims??our??current??bioimpedence??instrument??is??enhanced.????We??create?? custom??high?rfidelity??excitation??circuitry??and??signal??processing??hardware??within??a??small?? portable??unit??that??connects??wirelessly??to??a??base??computer.??Custom??data??processing?? architectures??and??algorithms??are??created??to??allow??quick??and??clear??data??presentation??and?? visualization.????Because??insight??gained??from??our??previous??bioimpedance??studies??on?? amputee??subjects??is??extensive,??these??needs??are??clearly??defined.????A??clinical??instrument?? ready??for??beta??testing??and??commercialization??should??be??completed??within??a??two?ryear?? time??frame.???? The??health??relatedness??of??the??project??is??a??novel??and??useful??clinical??instrument??for?? diagnosis??and??treatment??of??a??major??challenge??in??limb??prosthetics:??limb??volume?? fluctuation.????This??instrument??could??be??extended??towards??the??implementation??and?? evaluation??of??novel??volume??control??strategies??and??also??applied??to??other??areas??of?? rehabilitation??where??management??of??interstitial??fluid??control??is??clinically??relevant.????
The long-term goal of this project is a useful clinical instrument for diagnosis and treatment of residual limb volume fluctuation in individuals who use prosthetic limbs. The system should provide a quick and quantitative indication of a patient's diurnal limb volume fluctuation status and insight into its source.
Baran, U; Swanson, E; Sanders, J E et al. (2018) OCT-based microangiography for reactive hyperaemia assessment within residual limb skin of people with lower limb loss. Skin Res Technol 24:152-155 |
Goldstein, Mark D; Cagle, John C; Hafner, Brian J et al. (2018) Retracting Locking-Pin Mechanism That Allows Partial Prosthetic Socket Doffing during Sitting. J Prosthet Orthot 30:114-118 |
Sanders, Joan E; Hartley, Tyler L; Phillips, Reid H et al. (2016) Does temporary socket removal affect residual limb fluid volume of trans-tibial amputees? Prosthet Orthot Int 40:320-8 |
Sanders, Joan E; Moehring, Mark A; Rothlisberger, Travis M et al. (2016) A Bioimpedance Analysis Platform for Amputee Residual Limb Assessment. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 63:1760-70 |
Sanders, Joan E; Cagle, John C; Allyn, Katheryn J et al. (2014) How do walking, standing, and resting influence transtibial amputee residual limb fluid volume? J Rehabil Res Dev 51:201-12 |
Sanders, Joan E; Cagle, John C; Harrison, Daniel S et al. (2013) How does adding and removing liquid from socket bladders affect residual-limb fluid volume? J Rehabil Res Dev 50:845-60 |
Sanders, Joan E; Harrison, Daniel S; Cagle, John C et al. (2012) Post-doffing residual limb fluid volume change in people with trans-tibial amputation. Prosthet Orthot Int 36:443-9 |
Sanders, Joan E; Harrison, Daniel S; Allyn, Katheryn J et al. (2012) How do sock ply changes affect residual-limb fluid volume in people with transtibial amputation? J Rehabil Res Dev 49:241-56 |
Sanders, Joan E; Allyn, Katheryn J; Harrison, Daniel S et al. (2012) Preliminary investigation of residual-limb fluid volume changes within one day. J Rehabil Res Dev 49:1467-78 |
Sanders, Joan E; Fatone, Stefania (2011) Residual limb volume change: systematic review of measurement and management. J Rehabil Res Dev 48:949-86 |
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