Carroll, M; Nelson, T O; Kirwan, A (1997) Tradeoff of semantic relatedness and degree of overlearning: differential effects on metamemory and on long-term retention. Acta Psychol (Amst) 95:239-53
Gonzalez, R; Nelson, T O (1996) Measuring ordinal association in situations that contain tied scores. Psychol Bull 119:159-65
Mazzoni, G; Nelson, T O (1995) Judgments of learning are affected by the kind of encoding in ways that cannot be attributed to the level of recall. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 21:1263-74
Nelson, T O; Dunlosky, J (1994) Norms of paired-associate recall during multitrial learning of Swahili-English translation equivalents. Memory 2:325-35
Carroll, M; Nelson, T O (1993) Failure to obtain a generation effect during naturalistic learning. Mem Cognit 21:361-6
Carroll, M; Nelson, T O (1993) Effect of overlearning on the feeling of knowing is more detectable in within-subject than in between-subject designs. Am J Psychol 106:227-35
Nelson, T O (1993) Judgments of learning and the allocation of study time. J Exp Psychol Gen 122:269-73
Calogero, M; Nelson, T O (1992) Utilization of base-rate information during feeling-of-knowing judgments. Am J Psychol 105:565-73
Dunlosky, J; Nelson, T O (1992) Importance of the kind of cue for judgments of learning (JOL) and the delayed-JOL effect. Mem Cognit 20:374-80
Leonesio, R J; Nelson, T O (1990) Do different metamemory judgments tap the same underlying aspects of memory? J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 16:464-7
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