Senkfor, Ava J; Van Petten, Cyma; Kutas, Marta (2008) Enactment versus conceptual encoding: equivalent item memory but different source memory. Cortex 44:649-64
Schendan, Haune E; Kutas, Malra (2007) Neurophysiological evidence for transfer appropriate processing of memory: processing versus feature similarity. Psychon Bull Rev 14:612-9
Schendan, Haline E; Kutas, Marta (2007) Neurophysiological evidence for the time course of activation of global shape, part, and local contour representations during visual object categorization and memory. J Cogn Neurosci 19:734-49
Schendan, Haline E; Kutas, Marta (2003) Time course of processes and representations supporting visual object identification and memory. J Cogn Neurosci 15:111-35
Ganis, Giorgio; Kutas, Marta (2003) An electrophysiological study of scene effects on object identification. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 16:123-44
Schendan, Haline E; Kutas, Marta (2002) Neurophysiological evidence for two processing times for visual object identification. Neuropsychologia 40:931-45
Windmann, Sabine; Urbach, Thomas P; Kutas, Marta (2002) Cognitive and neural mechanisms of decision biases in recognition memory. Cereb Cortex 12:808-17
Senkfor, Ava J; Van Petten, Cyma; Kutas, Marta (2002) Episodic action memory for real objects: an ERP investigation with perform, watch, and imagine action encoding tasks versus a non-action encoding task. J Cogn Neurosci 14:402-19
Federmeier, Kara D; Kutas, Marta (2002) Picture the difference: electrophysiological investigations of picture processing in the two cerebral hemispheres. Neuropsychologia 40:730-47
Windmann, S; Kutas, M (2001) Electrophysiological correlates of emotion-induced recognition bias. J Cogn Neurosci 13:577-92
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