PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTHFOOD PROTECTION TASK FORCE CONFERENCE APPLICATION PROJECT SUMMARYThe Philadelphia Department of Health proposes to convene a Food Protection TaskForce Conference which seeks to promote an integrated approach to food safetythrough prevention, intervention, and response methods. The proposed conference willtake place in late 2009 in Philadelphia, PA and will consist of participants from variouslocal, state, and federal public health and regulatory agencies as well as members of theprivate sector including merchants' associations, members of the regulated foodcommunity, and academia. The full-day conference agenda reserves the morningsession to interactive presentations focusing on food prevention, intervention, response,and foodborne disease outbreak investigations. Specific topics to be covered include adiscussion on the science of risk-based assessments, an update on the current FDAmodel food code, existing educational programs focusing on prevention, reportingmechanisms, risk communication best practices, and an overview of existing methodsfor food recalls, traceback investigations, and outbreak investigations. The afternoonsession will be reserved for breakout sessions to facilitate group discussion andidentification of existing resources and areas for improvement. The conference willconclude with a discussion engaging the audience in next steps for sustained foodprotection/safety in the community.