AFDOSSThe objective of the AFDOSS Educational Conferences is to provide information on current andemerging food, drug and device issues impacting health and safety and to build consensus among thestates on regulatory approaches to these issues. The keynote presentations will give local and stateregulators an opportunity to hear a national and international perspective on food, drug and device safety,something to which they may not be exposed in their respective states. The attached conference agendasof previous conferences show the high caliber of presentations and speakers that normally participate inAFDOSS conferences.To our knowledge, this is one of the most comprehensive educational opportunities that address the rangeof current food and drug and consumer product issues facing state regulatory programs. State participantscan access the latest information, meet with state, local and federal counterparts and foster partnerships toensure program success.We have applied for 5 spring conferences that will be held in rotating member states. For the year 2012our AFDOSS conference will be held in May in Florida; 2013 in June 8-12 in Louisville, Kentucky; 2014in April or May in Georgia; 2015 in April or May in Louisiana and in 2016 of April or May our springeducational conference will be in Mississippi. The number of participants we anticipate to send on behalfof the award at each conference would be 31 persons. The conference draws both Southeastern states andPuerto Rico. Our attendees include representatives of state, county, municipal, and federal regulatoryagencies charged with public health and safety responsibilities, the regulated industries, and universityand research institution professionals.With this award, as stated above, we may be able to fund over the next 5 years at each spring conference,31 persons to attend, and provide funds for 5 highly qualified speakers. We will target individuals thatmay not normally be able to attend due to current economical restrictions with funds received. AFDOSSconsists of 11 states and one territory and optimally we would like all states/territory represented at ourconferences so they can return to their home state/territory and share their knowledge gleaned at ourconferences and also have received invaluable contacts through networking to call on when they needassistance; contacts with other states, federal, local, industry as well as academia.
- AFDOSS The objective of our AFDOSS conferences is to provide information on current and emerging food, drug and device topics impacting health and safety and to build consensus among the states on regulatory approaches to address them. The keynote presentations will give local, state and territorial regulators an opportunity to hear a national and international perspective on food, drug and device safety. To our knowledge, this is one of the most comprehensive educational opportunities that address the range of current food and drug and consumer product issues facing state regulatory programs. Our conferences are designed to give up-to-date information on all public health issues related to food, drug and medical devices to keep our members appraised of current trends. Also, our members are highly respected in their perspective fields and they are some of the ones supplying this current information to our attendees. With current, accurate information being presented, in regards to the public health arena, makes AFDOSS conferences very worthwhile for all in attendance and it is a great place to make life long professional contacts. These contacts assist us on a daily basis when we need to reach out to a professional colleague on various public health issues. AFDOSS deals with issues on an international basis. Our spring May of 2012 conference will include a tour/presentation of a state-of-the-art food irradiation plant in Mulberry, FL which processes product for worldwide distribution. These new, constantly improving food processing methods are geared toward optimum public health and AFDOSS strives to make our members aware of emerging trends that affect the commodities in which we have oversight.