Alaska Native (AN) youth face significant health disparities associated with alcohol and suicide. Cuqyun (measuring tool) is a developmental project whose long term objective is programmatic research leading to an AN youth alcohol and suicide prevention trial to address these health disparities. The project builds on previous work with AN adults that used a community based participatory research (CBPR) methodology and a strengths-based, positive psychology focus in study of AN sobriety. Cuqyun proposes to extend this research to important variables in AN adolescent alcohol abuse and suicide. The project has three specific aims: ? ? (1) Culturally adapt for AN adolescents measures of variables associated with sobriety and reasons for living using a CBPR approach to measurement adaptation. (2) Test these adapted measures' psychometric properties with a sample of 475 AN adolescents age 3-18. (3) Test the predictive validity of these measures in an emically-derived model of AN sobriety and reasons for living suggested by previous CBPR.
This final aim will also provide an empirical test of the multilevel pathway model of sobriety on which the proposed preventive intervention program of research is based. The measures that Cuqyun seeks to culturally adapt are variables conceived as proximal outcomes for specific intervention components within a prevention trial. Two additional variables are conceived as ultimate outcome variables. This developmental work will (1) provide necessary foundations for a prevention trial with Alaska Native youth, (2) advance CBPR methods with tribal communities in the area of measurement development, and (3) enhance our understanding of culture specific protective factors among Alaska Native and other ethnic minority groups to address health disparities. ? ? ?

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Exploratory/Developmental Grants (R21)
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Health Services Research Review Subcommittee (AA)
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Arroyo, Judith A
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University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Allen, James; Rasmus, Stacy M; Fok, Carlotta Ching Ting et al. (2018) Multi-Level Cultural Intervention for the Prevention of Suicide and Alcohol Use Risk with Alaska Native Youth: a Nonrandomized Comparison of Treatment Intensity. Prev Sci 19:174-185
Philip, Jacques; Ford, Tara; Henry, David et al. (2016) Relationship of Social Network to Protective Factors in Suicide and Alcohol Use Disorder Intervention for Rural Yup'ik Alaska Native Youth. Interv Psicosoc 25:45-54
Fok, Carlotta Ching Ting; Henry, David; Allen, James (2015) Maybe Small Is Too Small a Term: Introduction to Advancing Small Sample Prevention Science. Prev Sci 16:943-9
Henry, David; Dymnicki, Allison B; Mohatt, Nathaniel et al. (2015) Clustering Methods with Qualitative Data: a Mixed-Methods Approach for Prevention Research with Small Samples. Prev Sci 16:1007-16
Fok, Carlotta Ching Ting; Henry, David; Allen, James (2015) Research Designs for Intervention Research with Small Samples II: Stepped Wedge and Interrupted Time-Series Designs. Prev Sci 16:967-77
Henry, David; Fok, Carlotta Ching Ting; Allen, James (2015) Why Small is Too Small a Term: Prevention Science for Health Disparities, Culturally Distinct Groups, and Community-Level Intervention. Prev Sci 16:1026-32
Allen, James; Mohatt, Gerald V; Fok, Carlotta Ching Ting et al. (2014) A protective factors model for alcohol abuse and suicide prevention among Alaska Native youth. Am J Community Psychol 54:125-39
Rasmus, Stacy M; Charles, Billy; Mohatt, Gerald V (2014) Creating Qungasvik (a Yup'ik intervention ""toolbox""): case examples from a community-developed and culturally-driven intervention. Am J Community Psychol 54:140-52
Allen, James; Mohatt, Gerald V; Beehler, Sarah et al. (2014) People awakening: collaborative research to develop cultural strategies for prevention in community intervention. Am J Community Psychol 54:100-11
Rasmus, Stacy M (2014) Indigenizing CBPR: evaluation of a community-based and participatory research process implementation of the Elluam Tungiinun (towards wellness) program in Alaska. Am J Community Psychol 54:170-9

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